Mini Story — Why I Took This Photo — #3 (Camera: Canon 5Dii)
This is part of the mini-story series where I share details on some of the photos I’ve taken. Like my other stories, it focuses more on the creative and thought processes instead of just the technical details, because I am a firm believer that your right-brain activity is equally, if not more, important than the technical aspects in photography.
Background: The time was May 2020, a few months into the Covid madness. I was in a pretty depressive state as I had to halt all my travel plans for the remainder of the year and cancel a photography project that I had put a lot of effort into planning. I was stuck at home like everyone else for months and was struggling to find the motivation to pick up the camera again. On a Saturday morning in May, a mission just came across my mind that I should go out during this unprecedented time and do what I am good at — capturing irreplaceable moments of the people on the streets. It took me just a couple of hours to put my thoughts and a game plan together, packed the equipment, and headed out to the downtown area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
What motivated me to take the shot: In short, it was how the gentleman stood behind the shut door of the bar and the expression on his face motivated me to take out my camera. When I take photos, I always focus on…